WEALTH MAXIMISER PROGRAMME™ - This is a specialist programme devised by Max Horne and is a process of investment, taking a client through the 5 steps from The Lifetime Focuser, through The Discovery Process to The Creation of Core Solutions and the implementation through the Continuous Financial Coaching. It is now a tried and tested method of creating wealth through a properly structured risk profile assessment, through to asset allocation based on modern portfolio theory and the purchase of assets at the least cost and placing these assets into tax efficient Wrappers to ensure maximum growth.
PENSION PERFORMANCE REVIEW™ - This programme has been devised by Cadde Financial to assess existing pension schemes for both cost, risk compatability and simplicity of use. We often find that people have been locked into old pension schemes where the costs of running them are extremely high. They may be locked into With Profits funds which are no longer suitable for their risk tolerance and some of the companies may have gone out of business altogether or are closed to new business. By reassessing where these funds could be put to better use by establishing the clients goals and aspirations for the future, we can make pension funds work much harder than they are by being “parked” with the existing pension company.
TAX PLANNING SERVICE – we can offer a variety of tax planning services whether to reduce the effects of Inheritance Tax on passing assets to the next generation or minimising Capital Gains Tax on the sale of assets including businesses or by minimising income tax using a variety of structures including pension schemes. Whether the tax mitigation would be better served by using a “one off structure” we can ensure that we can offer our experience and the services of some of Britain’s top tax professionals to enable you to keep more of what you have earned, along the way.
ASSET PROTECTION SERVICE – Your own health and life are your biggest assets and we would aim to protect those by assessing the risk of long term illness and of death on your and your family’s plans for the future. By assessment and affecting a solution to control risk we can eliminate most risks that would destroy wealth creation.
WILLS SERVICE – we have access to some of Britain’s top will writing experts to draft wills to ensure that the maximum estate can be passed to your beneficiaries in the most tax efficient way and that these assets are not going to be seized by government or local authorities to pay for long term care and other future, but as yet unknown, confiscation of assets. If your assets are spread worldwide we also have a network of asset protection experts that can help in this area.
MORTGAGES – we have, through a relationship with an associate company, access to all of the UKs best mortgage deals at any time but more importantly we can also give you access to multi currency mortgages that can reduce the cost of borrowing dramatically. As successful asset managers we also think it is prudent to reduce the cost of borrowing and make savings in this area to complement extra returns that our other programmes can offer.
FINANCIAL COACHING – We often find that clients are extremely busy with their own businesses and careers to take the time to organize their finances properly. Through a properly structured Financial Coaching Programme we can offer a service which will, through a combination of good advice and education, keep you financially aware and able to handle money with ease.
REMOVE THE HASSLE OF SERVICE – taking the complexity and hassle out of administering your financial life by telling you what you should keep and what you should throw away. Many clients accumulate statements and other official looking documents from companies that they think they should keep but most of this is unnecessary in the electronic age we live in.
SECOND OPINION SERVICE - In today’s financial market there are many thousands of products that are offered on a daily basis either through direct advertising through press and television and by mail shot or over the counter at banks, building societies, estate agents etc. Some of the offers are extremely confusing and it was very difficult to compare to discover what is value for money and what is not. We offer a service to clients to look at various offers before committing yourself to an ongoing financial commitment and we can assess and advise you on whether they are truly value for money.